Putting the pesto to good use, a simple pasta and chicken dish that uses pantry staples. It's a pretty hearty and refreshing dish, and you can definitely mess with the quantities and tweak the ingredients to your liking.
Chicken and Pesto Pasta(serves 4)2 chicken breasts, brined and cut into small strips
large handful of chopped onion
1-2 tomatoes, seeded and chopped
3/4 - 1 c pesto
clove of garlic, sliced
8 leaves of fresh basil
1/2 c or so of Parmesan, grated
8 oz fusili
dash of wine/vermouth for deglazing
handful of flour
pat of butter
1) Set a large pot of water to boil, and add a few pinches of salt, set a saute pan over medium heat.
2) In a plastic bag combine the flour, salt and pepper and toss the chicken pieces to coat, then saute them until nicely browned then remove to a dish.
3) Using a dash of wine or vermouth (or stock or water) deglaze the pan.
4) Drop the fusili; check package instructions but mine usually takes 12 minutes.
5) Add the pat of butter to the saute pan then toss in the garlic, tomatoes and onions with a pinch of salt and pepper.
5) When the onions and tomatoes are good and soft turn the heat down to its very lowest setting and return the chicken to the pan and add the capers; you're basically keeping everything warm at this point.
6) When the fusili is al dente pull from the water into the saute pan, turn off the heat and add the pesto. Give everything a good mix so it's well integrated.
7) Serve with grated Parmesan and a few fresh basil leaves.